Often the bachelor in the family does not get called upon to bring anything to family gatherings that he can’t pick up on the way to the event. However after much research and advice, I came up with Deviled eggs that look and taste great. There are just a couple keys to the plan
- Deviled egg transporters – You can find them anywhere but they typically are a plastic tupperware type container that holds 20 eggs.
- Paper Towels – they really help with the excess moisture in the container after travel
- Zip Top Bags – a perfect container and tool for the filling.
- Henr’s Taste Dressing – check out the clone recipie
Time to make them
I have found that steaming your eggs produces’ the best looking eggs. I put water in the bottom of a large pot and put in my expandable steamer basket. Lid it up and fire up the heat for at least 15 minutes, just to a level where the lids leaks a little steam.
- Grab your tongs and transfer the eggs to an ice bath. It will stop the cooking and cool them off to where you can touch them. I think the additional shock in temp will crack the shells to make them easier to peel. I let them sit for at least the time it takes to drink a beer.
- I like to peel them under running water, it rinses the shell pieces off of the eggs.
- Slice the peeled eggs in half with a sharp knife and pop out the yoke into a seperate bowl.
- Either whisk or use your stand mixer to crumble and blend the yokes with the TasTee Dressing until smooth and the consistancy of frosting.
- Put your egg halves into your egg carrier and cover with a paper towel.
- Use a silicone spatula to put the whipped filling into a zip top bag. If you get the air out you can flatten it and put it in your egg transporter
Time to go to the party
- When you arrive at the party just take a few moments to prep the eggs
- Cut the bottom corner off the bag of filling
- Pull the paper towel
- Use the bag like a pastry bag to pipe the filling into the egg halves
- Sprinkle some Paprika as a garnish on the eggs
- Use the damp paper towels to cleanup
- Throw out the paper Towels and Zip Top bag.
- Serve them and watch the family enjoy them and admire how perky the filling is.
- You got this brother! (Or Sista)