On this morning’s show, Hop Man Joppie, featured this recipe.  Great way to fancy up Deer meat!  We’d pair this up with with mashed Yukon Gold potatoes, and crisp fresh salad.  We’d recommend you use your favorite Pinot Noir wine in the recipe, and finish up the rest of the bottle with your meal!
3   tbsp   Olive Oil
4               Shallots, peeled and minced
5 sprigs   fresh Parsley
3 sprigs   fresh Thyme
3 cups     Pinot Noir wine
2 cups     Beef Stock
                   Salt and Pepper (to taste)
6                Venison Loins, wrapped with bacon
6 sprigs     fresh Thyme, for garnish
Heat the oil in a large saucepan set over moderate heat on the side burner of the barbecue.  Add the shallots and fresh herbs, and cook until the shallots have turned a golden brown.  Add the Pinot Noir and raise the temperature to high.  Boil the sauce until it is reduced to about 1/2 cup.  Add the beef stock and boil again to about 3/4 cup.  Season with salt and pepper, then strain the sauce through a fine sieve.  Keep warm until venison is done.
Meanwhile, place the venison loins on the barbecue over high heat and cook it to your preferred temperature (we recommend medium rare).  Let stand for about five minutes.  Serve in a pool of sauce with a few springs of fresh thyme on top.