This is Judy, the other half of the Joppie household. This dish is a nice combination of good, old fashioned comfort food, with a grilling twist. It’s an amazing combination of the baked/grilled chicken, stuffed and surrounded by a banquet of delicious vegetables.
Main Dish:
- 1 large roasting chicken (5-6 pounds)
- 1½ teaspoons kosher salt, divided
- 1½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper, divided
- 2 tablespoonsThree Little Pigs Barbecue Seasoning
- 4 large garlic cloves, quartered
- 1 cup chopped red onion
- 1 cup sliced zucchini
- ½ cup diced red bell pepper
- ½ cup diced celery
- ½ cup cherry tomatoes, halved
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 tablespoons Ranch Salad Dressing & Seasoning Mix
- 4 medium red potatoes, chopped
- 1 cup Three Little Pigs Barbecue Sauce
Light grill using Kingsford® Charcoal with Sure Fire Grooves®. Rinse inside and outside of chicken. Season inside with salt and pepper. Season outside with barbecue seasoning.
Place garlic and all vegetables, except potatoes, into a bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle vegetables with dressing mix, salt and pepper; mix together.
Stuff cavity of chicken with half of vegetable mixture. Place chicken in shallow baking dish.
Mix potatoes with remaining vegetables. Place onto pieces of foil; fold sides over and seal tightly, forming small cooking pockets. Poke a few holes top of pocket.
Mound coals on one side of grill. Place chicken on side of grill without coals; grill. Baste outside of chicken with barbecue sauce every hour of cooking. Grill for 3 hours until internal temperature of chicken reaches 165°F.
After 2 hours, place foil pouch with potato-vegetable mixture on grill. Remove from grill with chicken.